Live low-latency playback
Example showing how to use dash.js to play low latency streams. The low-latency related parameters can be adjusted in the settings section. For more information checkout the documentation.- All the additional ABR rules defined in "ABR - Additional" will be automatically disabled for L2A-LL and LoL+. Both, L2A-LL and LoL+ are standalone rules.
- It is not possible to switch between the ABR rules dynamically. In order change the ABR rule reload the stream.
Target latency (sec)
Max drift (sec)
Maximum catch-up playback rate
Minimum catch-up playback rate
ABR - Rules
Catchup mechanism
Additional APIs
Download Time Estimation
Throughput Estimation Mode
Manifest URL
Wall Clock reference time
Seconds behind live:
Video Buffer:
Video Index Downloading: /
Video Bitrate Downloading kbits/s:
Playback rate:
Chart settings
Interval (ms)
Number of data points